Eligibility Criteria
- Eligibility
Eligibility Criteria
General eligibility criteria
A student will be allowed to take admission in the Major Course if he/she/transgender has passed in at least four (04) subjects with English as compulsory subject in the Higher Secondary [10+2] Examination held by the West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education or any other Examination which is recognized by the University as equivalent thereto.
Admission will be on merit and availability of seats, provided that for SC/ST Candidates, the minimum marks for eligibility will be as per rules of the State Government.
A candidate will be allowed to take up any Major Subject in 4-year UG Programme, if he/she/transgender has passed in the corresponding subject (s) at the Higher Secondary Examination (10+2) recognized as equivalent by the University.
Provided however that:
- A candidate will be allowed to take up Sociology, Education, Physical Education, Business Administration or Business Management if he/she/transgender has passed in the previous qualifying examination of any stream.
- A candidate will be allowed to take up Commerce. if he/she/transgender has studied Science subjects along with Mathematics in the previous qualifying exams.
- A candidate will be allowed to take up Physics Subject if he/she/transgender has passed in Mathematics and Chemistry along with Physics and other subject as prescribed at the qualifying examination.
- A candidate will be allowed to take up Chemistry Subject if he/she/transgender has passed in Mathematics and Physics along with Chemistry and other subject as prescribed at the qualifying examination.
- A candidate will be allowed to take up Botany/Zoology Subject if he/she/transgender has passed in Biology at the qualifying examination.
- A candidate will be allowed to take up Physiology subject if he/she/transgender has passed in Biological Science and Chemistry at the qualifying examination.
- A candidate will be allowed to take up Computer Science Subject if he/she/ transgender has passed in Mathematics at the qualifying examination.
- A candidate will be allowed to take up Economics as if he/she/transgender has passed in Mathematics or Applied Mathematics or Business Economics including Business Mathematics, and other subjects as prescribed at the qualifying examination.
- No student other than those of Science stream and Economics/Geography of Arts stream will be allowed to take Science subjects as Minor Subjects.
- A candidate pursuing Major in a subject will not be allowed to take up the same subject as Minor.
- A candidate pursuing Major in a Language subject will be allowed to take another Language subject as a Minor Subject.
- While taking Major & Minor subjects, availability of the said subjects in the Colleges will be taken into cognizance.
- No student other than those of Science stream and Economics/Geography of Arts stream will be allowed to take Science subjects as Minor Subjects.
- No student of Arts and Commerce stream other than those of Geography and Economics will be allowed to take Science subjects as Minor Subjects.
- A candidate will be allowed to take up Geography subject if he/she/transgender has passed in Geography with other subjects at the qualifying examination.
- A candidate will be allowed to take up Chemistry Subject if he/she/transgender has passed in Mathematics and Physics along with Chemistry and other subject as prescribed at the qualifying examination.
- A candidate will be allowed to take up Business Administration and Business Management if he/she/transgender has passed in any Stream at the qualifying examination.
- A candidate pursuing Major in a subject will not be allowed to take up the same subject as Minor.
- A candidate pursuing Major in a Language subject will be allowed to take another Language subject as a Minor Subject.
- While taking Major & Minor subjects, availability of the said subjects in the College will be taken into cognizance.
Merit Calculation
Admission to all Course will be based strictly on merit. Merit shall be calculated as per the following formula.
Merit= (2S+T)/6
T = Aggregate = marks obtained in English + marks obtained in the subject opted for Major
+ best marks of other two subjects
[Excluding the subject
opted for Major and
English]. S= marks
obtained in the subject
opted for Major.
If the candidate does not have the specific subject opted for Major in his / her previous Course, the procedure for Merit Calculation will be as follows,
Merit =T1/4
T1=marks obtained in English + best of other three subjects
Tie Break rule: If more than one candidate score same merit point, preference will be given to the one who has scored higher marks in the subject (selected subject for 4-year UG Programme), in this way, if more than one candidate have same merit point and same marks in the subject; preference will be given to the candidate who has scored higher marks in the (10+2)/HS level Examination considering best five subjects, if more candidates have same merit points and same marks in the (10+2)/HS level Examination; preference will be given to the candidate who has scored higher marks in the 10th/Madhyamik level Examination.
A candidate failed in a particular subject in 10+2 or its equivalent examination will not be considered for admission in 4-year UG Programme for that particular subject.
A candidate failed in either theory or practical subject in 10+2 or its equivalent examination will not be considered for taking 4-year UG Programme in that particular major subject.
A candidate will be allowed to pursue a maximum of Three Year under a Major Course if he/she/transgender have passed the qualifying Examination in Vocational Stream subjects.
The Colleges shall offer subjects for which it has an adequate number of Teacher(s) as per UGC and University norms. All Colleges shall have to ensure adequate infrastructural facilities for all its examinees appearing from the respective Centers (Colleges). Session Gap: For admission to the Undergraduate Program there should not be a gap of more than 3 years between the year of Higher Secondary Examination and the year of admission to Undergraduate Program of
Other Regulations
Reservation of Seats: There will be reservation of seats for SC/ST/OBC/EWS/ Differently Able Candidates as per Government Rules. For differently-able candidates’ minimum disability at least 40% will be considered.
Session Break: Students who exit with Undergraduate Certificate or Undergraduate Diploma and 3 Year Under Graduate Degree shall abide by the clause as specified in 18 B vi, vii and ix of the Regulations.
Admission on Transfer: For transfer of any student from one affiliated college to another affiliated college of the said University or to this University, the following clauses are to be followed:
- Medical Ground of the applicant.
- Marriage of the female applicant after admission.
- Transfer of the Father/ Guardian of the applicant from near place of institution to farther place.
Admission On Transfer Should Abide By The Following Stipulations:
- A candidate taking transfer from one College to another is required to pursue the same set of courses of study in both the colleges;
- Admission on transfer must not violate the approved intake of the course concerned of the College granting admission. Only in cases of wards of Government employees who have been transferred, a relaxation of intake may be granted with the permission of the Vice-Chancellor;
- Cases of admission on transfer must be intimated in writing to the University authority by the College admitting such candidates within a fortnight of such admission without which such admission on transfer will not be recognized;
- All other steps and procedures related to transfer will be in accordance with the provisions of the Ordinances.