Dewanhat Mahavidyalaya

About Library

About The Library

Dewanhat Mahavidyalaya College Library inspires the students to obtain knowledge and to familiarise themselves with the new trends in various fields for their upgradation and enlightenment. The library of the college has an unbiased and non-prejudiced mindset to satisfy the needs of the users. We are user-friendly and willing to help those who have problems locating what they need in the library. The library treats users with respect and makes them feel important. In fact, its primary aim is to provide quality service to the users. The library at present provides services mostly through a manual system. However, keeping in mind the present day requirements, we have started the process of automating the services (KOHA). Internet facility is also available to the users. We are progressing towards fuller automation, but not definitely without human touch.

Our Library Staff

Ali Hossain

(Library Peon, Casual)

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