Dewanhat Mahavidyalaya

Maksedul Hoque

Assistant Professor
Department: Political Science

Email id: [email protected]

I. Personal Information:

Sex: Male
Marital Status: Married
Religion: Islam
Caste: OBC-A
Languages known: Bengali
Nationality: Indian
Permanent Address: Vill + P.O – Sukarur Kuthi, P.S-Sahebganj, DIST-Cooch Behar, PIN-736168

II. Career Goals and Objectives:

  • To cultivate a passion for lifelong learning.
  • To be a mentor and role model for students.
  • To inculcate ethical values such as integrity, empathy, and respect for others among students, helping them to emerge as better human beings.

III. Educational Summary:

DegreeYear of PassingSpecialisation
Secondary Examination 2010
Higher Secondary Examination2012
B. A. from ABN Seal college2015Honours in Political Science
M. A. in Political Science from the University of Burdwan2017Public Administration
Pursuing Ph. D from the University of BurdwanSince August, 2019Topic: Empowerment of Muslims in West Bengal

Employment History

  • Dewanhat Mahavidyalaya-25.9.2019-till date-Assistant Professor

V. Academic Honours and Awards:

  1. UGC JRF Awardee

VI. Conference/ Seminar/ Workshop Presentations:

Papers Presented at International/ National Level Seminars/ Workshops:
  • 18 & 19 March, 2024-Dept. Of Political Science, Sc, St, Obc Cell & Research Cell, S.r. Fatepuria College-National-Empowerment of Women in Modern India: Achievements & Challenge-Political empowerment of Muslims in West Bengal (1977-2011)
Webinars/ Seminars participated:
  • National-Human Rights in the time of Covid-19 Pandemic-5th August 2020 Depart of Political Science & the Internal Quality Assurance Cell, S.R. Fatepuria College

VII. Courses attended:

  • Orientation Programme 2nd Faculty Induction Programme 29/01/2024-27/02/2024 MMTTC (formerly UGC-HRDC), The University of Burdwan

VIII. Special/ Invited Lectures:

  • Department of Political Science & IQAC, Dhupguri Girls’ College Public Administration: Evolution & Development 29/1/2024

IX. Institutional Responsibilities Handled:

Sl.No.Responsibilities Handled:InstitutionPeriod
1Convener of Game & SportsDewanhat MahavidyalayaPerio
2Convener of Exam. CommitteeDewanhat MahavidyalayaSince AY 2022-23
3Nodal Officer of Aikyashree Scholarship & COB-OASISDewanhat MahavidyalayaSince AY 2022-23
4Member of Cultural CommitteeDewanhat MahavidyalayaSince AY 2022-23
5Convener of Students’ Welfare Committee Dewanhat MahavidyalayaSince AY 2022-23
6Member of Alumni CellDewanhat MahavidyalayaSince AY 2022-23

Key Skills:

  • Computer knowledge

XI. Any other skill/ information:

  • Cricket player
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